From time to time, the Friends of the NRM embark on new projects, researching aspects of Britain's railways which have rarely been studied, and also capturing for posterity stories before technological advances have wiped them off the railway infrastructure.
By the mid 2020s, all of Britain's railways will be controlled by a few Regional Operations Centres (ROCs). There will be fewer than two dozen of them (one is already operational at the south end of York station) and they will replace the thousands of signalboxes which have existed for almost two hundred years. The FNRM's project is called Film Archive of Railway Signalling and People (FARSAP). In conjunction with the Signalling Records Society, and by kind permission of Network Rail, we have amassed a huge bank of signalling stories and locations. Use the link on this website to the S-R-S website to see which films have been edited and published.............more are being adding as time permits.
Find out more about Friends contributions here
Russ Rollings
[EO4, E15]