Step 2: complete the form below, and "submit" this to us.
Step 3: select the appropriate payment - bottom of this page - to complete your payment for membership (through our FNRM shop)
Step 2: complete the form below, and "submit" this to us.
Step 3: select the appropriate payment - bottom of this page - to complete your payment for membership (through our FNRM shop)
Telephone: 01904 636874

Getting Involved
Volunteering opportunities
For more information on volunteering opportunities across the Museums and for the Friends, please contact the Friends.

Free voluntary Rules and Regulations Classes 2023 - 2024

Below is a letter which gives details of the course, an enrolment form (which any interested parties should complete and email back) and a class agenda.
If anyone wants further information, please email Phil Graham or call him on his mobile 07736 507103
Block Class Letter (1) 2023 PDF